The device connected to the terminal communicates with the automation device via the Bus Coupler. The active communication channel operates independently of the higher-level bus system in full duplex mode at up to 115.2 kbaud. The RS232 interface guarantees high immunity to interference through electrically isolated signals.
The module is a digital output module that is equipped with 4 opto-triac outputs using phase-angle control. L and N are fed to the module for zero-crossing detection.
Bently Nevada 3500/33-01-00 dynamic signal sensor vibration transmitter Bentley unit vibration monitoring can be connected to PLC or DCS systems, including 4-20mA current output and two-stage relay alarm output
Bently Nevada 3500/32-01-00 By processing these signals, it can complete various vibration and position measurements, and compare the processed signals with the alarm values programmed by the user.
Bently Nevada 3500/34 The electronic overspeed detection system of Bently Nevada's 3500 series mechanical detection system is a highly reliable and responsive redundant tachometer system specifically designed for mechanical overspeed protection. The system complies with the American Petroleum Institute standards 670 and 612 for overspeed protection