The module is equipped with two inputs for 3-wire connections. Both inputs can be configured as event counters. Gate measurement is only ever possible on one channel.
The module is equipped with 1 input for an ABR incremental encoder with 24 V encoder supply. The encoder inputs are monitored (A, B, R). The module is suitable for incremental encoders with push-pull outputs with no complementary signal.
The module is equipped with 1 input for an ABR incremental encoder with RS422-based output signals and 5 V encoder supply. The encoder inputs are monitored (A, B, R, A\, B\, R\).
The module is equipped with a SinCos encoder interface. The input signals are monitored. This makes it possible to detect open or shorted lines as well as encoder supply failures.
The module is a digital output module with phase-angle control that is equipped with 4 Triac outputs using 2-line connections. The supply (L and N) is fed directly to the module.
The module is a digital output module that is equipped with 4 SSR outputs with zero cross-over switches and uses 2-line connections. The module is also equipped with integrated full-wave control. The supply (L and N) is fed directly to the module.